Data analysis
A. Definition
In qualitative research, data obtained from many sources with data collection techniques brmacam anyway. The data obtained are qualitative data, so data analysis techniques used in the pattern has not been clear, sehungga mengkibatkan difficulties in analyzing the data
A. Definition
In qualitative research, data obtained from many sources with data collection techniques brmacam anyway. The data obtained are qualitative data, so data analysis techniques used in the pattern has not been clear, sehungga mengkibatkan difficulties in analyzing the data
Nasution : analysis is a difficult job, requiring hard work. Analysis requires
creative and high
intellectual ability. There is no
way that can be followed to conduct the analysis, so
that every researcher hrus find your own method
that felt suited to the nature
of his research. The same material
can be classified otherwise by different researchers.
so, the data analysis
is the process of finding and compiling the sisteamtis
data obtained from interviews,
field notes, and documentation,
by organizing the data into categories, defined in units, synthesize, organize into a pattern, choose which important and will be studied, and make conclusions
so easily understood by oneself or others. The
data obtained were then developed a hypothesis. Based on
the collected data was repeated with the technique of triangulation, it turns out the hypothesis is accepted, then the
hypothesis is developed into a
B. The process of data analysis
analysis has been started since formulate and explain the problem, before plunging into the field, and continue until the writing of the results of research
analysis has been started since formulate and explain the problem, before plunging into the field, and continue until the writing of the results of research
1. Analysis
prior to the field
Analysis was performed on data from a preliminary study, or secondary data, which will be used to determine the focus of research. However, this is still tentative and will be developed after research in and for the field. Thus, the proposal pembautan study, researchers focused on the object under study and its karakteriktiknya.
2. Analysis of field data model of Miles and Huberman
Analysis was performed on data from a preliminary study, or secondary data, which will be used to determine the focus of research. However, this is still tentative and will be developed after research in and for the field. Thus, the proposal pembautan study, researchers focused on the object under study and its karakteriktiknya.
2. Analysis of field data model of Miles and Huberman
in qualitative
data analysis is done interactively and continues over time until complete, so the data is already saturated. Activity data analysis is data reduction,
data display, and conclusion drawing / verification.
a. Data
Reduction (data reduction)
Summarize the data reduction means, choose the basic things, focus on the things that are important, look for themes and patterns. The data have been reduced will give a clearer picture, and facilitate researchers to conduct further data collection, and find when needed.
The main objective of qualitative research is the discovery. Thus, if researchers in penelitiannyamenemukan seen everything foreign, unknown, yet have the pattern, that's what should be the concern of researchers in performing data reduction. Reduction is a process of thinking that requires sensitive intelligence and the breadth and depth of knowledge is high.
b. data Display
The text is a narrative that is often used for data representation in qualitative research. Presentation of data can be done, in the form of a short description, chart, relationships between categories, flowcharts and the like.
Summarize the data reduction means, choose the basic things, focus on the things that are important, look for themes and patterns. The data have been reduced will give a clearer picture, and facilitate researchers to conduct further data collection, and find when needed.
The main objective of qualitative research is the discovery. Thus, if researchers in penelitiannyamenemukan seen everything foreign, unknown, yet have the pattern, that's what should be the concern of researchers in performing data reduction. Reduction is a process of thinking that requires sensitive intelligence and the breadth and depth of knowledge is high.
b. data Display
The text is a narrative that is often used for data representation in qualitative research. Presentation of data can be done, in the form of a short description, chart, relationships between categories, flowcharts and the like.
Grounded theory
is a theory that found inductively, based on the data found in the field, and
then tested through ongoing data collection. The patterns were found to have
been supported by the data for the study, the pattern has become the standard
patterns that are no longer changed and then displayed on the final report of
the study
c. Drawing conclusions and verification is the third step in
the analysis of qualitative data by Miles and Huberman. Preliminary conclusions
presented are temporary and will be changed if it is not found strong evidence
that the next phase of data collection. But kika conclusions expressed in the
early stages supported by the evidence and consistent, the conclusions put
forward a credible conclusion.
Conclusions in qualitative research is a new finding that has not previously exist. The finding is still a picture of an object that is still dim after investigation it became clear that, in the form of causal relationships / interactive, hypothesis or theory.
Conclusions in qualitative research is a new finding that has not previously exist. The finding is still a picture of an object that is still dim after investigation it became clear that, in the form of causal relationships / interactive, hypothesis or theory.
3. Analysis of
field data for the model Spradley
Spradley (1980) split the data analysis in qualitative research based on the stage in qualitative research. Stages of data analysis in qualitative research domain analysis, taxonomy and kompenensial, analysis of cultural themes.
Stages of qualitative research:
1. Choosing social situations
Spradley (1980) split the data analysis in qualitative research based on the stage in qualitative research. Stages of data analysis in qualitative research domain analysis, taxonomy and kompenensial, analysis of cultural themes.
Stages of qualitative research:
1. Choosing social situations
2. Conducting
3. Take note of the observations and interviews
4. Descriptive observations
5. Perform domain analysis
6. Observations focused
7. Conducting analysis of taxonomic
8. Selected observations
9. Perform analysis kompenensial
10. Perform analysis of themes
11. findings power
12. Writing a qualitative research report
Qualitative data analysis:
a. domain analysis
Obtain a general and comprehensive picture of the object / research or social situation. Found various domains or categories. Obtained with the grand questions and minitour. Researchers menetapakn particular domain as a basis for further research. More and more domains are selected, then the more time diperlukanuntuk research.
3. Take note of the observations and interviews
4. Descriptive observations
5. Perform domain analysis
6. Observations focused
7. Conducting analysis of taxonomic
8. Selected observations
9. Perform analysis kompenensial
10. Perform analysis of themes
11. findings power
12. Writing a qualitative research report
Qualitative data analysis:
a. domain analysis
Obtain a general and comprehensive picture of the object / research or social situation. Found various domains or categories. Obtained with the grand questions and minitour. Researchers menetapakn particular domain as a basis for further research. More and more domains are selected, then the more time diperlukanuntuk research.
b. taxonomic analysis
The selected domains are then translated into more detail, to determine the internal structure of. So, done with focused observation.
c. analysis komponensial
Finding specific cirri on each internal structure by contracting between elements. Done through observation and interviews selected with contrasting questions.
d. Analysis of cultural themes
Finding relationships between domains, and how the relationship with the whole, and then expressed into the theme / title of the study.
The selected domains are then translated into more detail, to determine the internal structure of. So, done with focused observation.
c. analysis komponensial
Finding specific cirri on each internal structure by contracting between elements. Done through observation and interviews selected with contrasting questions.
d. Analysis of cultural themes
Finding relationships between domains, and how the relationship with the whole, and then expressed into the theme / title of the study.
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